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Generate RSS feed

The following code snippet demonstrates how to create /rss.xml route.

import { getPosts } from '../posts/get-posts.js' const CONFIG = { title: 'My Blog', siteUrl: '', description: 'Latest blog posts', lang: 'en-us' } export async function GET() { const allPosts = await getPosts() const posts = allPosts .map( post => ` <item> <title>${post.title}</title> <description>${post.frontMatter.description}</description> <link>${CONFIG.siteUrl}${post.route}</link> <pubDate>${new Date(}</pubDate> </item>` ) .join('\n') const xml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>${CONFIG.title}</title> <link>${CONFIG.siteUrl}</link> <description>${CONFIG.description}</description> <language>${CONFIG.lang}</language> ${posts} </channel> </rss>` return new Response(xml, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/rss+xml' } }) }
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